RIDGE is a 4-month old spayed female Border Collie mix puppy, rescued
with her brother, Ardmore, from the side of a country road in southern
Tennessee. It's a good thing they were found because they were starving
and cold, and needed urgent medical care. Since being in foster care,
Ridge has had her shots and has been treated for worms and skin
but she's healthy now and just waiting to be adopted to a permanent
Ridge is learning housetraining and manners very well - she's a smart
cuddly girl who is eager to please. She's crate-trained, leash trained
and very affectionate.
Ridge is in private foster care in southern TN....please contact her
foster mom, Jeanne, at
jjcairns@bellsouth.net to inquire about adopting
Ridge is now 6
months old and is SUCH a pretty girl! She's a sleek and shiny 25 lb.
now, will probably grow to 35 lb. She is doing great with all her basic
training, is completely housetrained and still hoping to find a
permanent family.