Thanks for the update Cindy, it is good to see Daisy doing so well. |
Just wanted to let you know that Daisy got
a goose (stuffed) for Christmas and I have never seen a dog
appreciate a toy so much. She had other toys including a sheep,
but she loves that squeaking goose. She and Jade, my little rat
terrier have been playing in the house. Daisy has been
protecting her goose from Jade, Jade got a teddy bear and is
happy with that, but still tries to get the goose from Daisy and
Daisy just isn't having it. She guards her goose, its funny we
have had so much fun with her, thanks again for her, we just
love her and she is very happy. Oh, Jade has a small bed we keep
in the house for her when she comes inside, which is way to
small for Daisy, but Daisy didn't like sharing anything, I guess
she thinks she should be the only inside dog, so she lays part
of her body in Jades bed so Jade can't use it. Hunter made Daisy
a bed in the living room out of blankets even though she has one
in my bedroom and she does use it, unless of course Jade wants
her bed, then its a fight to see who can get to it first. They
play together well and love each other, the two girl dogs, that
is, but they do show lots of signs of jelousy! Crazy critters!
Have a happy new year and hope you had a great Christmas you and
your family!